Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday, day 1 of week 7

Well I guess I'll start off with my pics, since this is the beginning of week 7, and I have consistantly been posting pics every 2 weeks. So here they are!

Here's a comparitive shot from week 1 to now:

My stats as of today are:
Weight-164 lbs (a loss of 13.5 lbs)
Gut measurement- 36-7/16" (a loss of 3-3/8")
Its insane how much better I feel today compared to week 1! I feel better, I have a ton more energy, I sleep better, I do other things better...wink wink!! But seriously, I feel great, and alot of people are noticing now. I get at least 1 or 2 people a week telling me I look great, or if Im working out, and its nice to hear. I still look in the mirror and get a little frustrated with how slowly my stomach is dissolving away but I know it will take more time. And I am really happy with my progress so far, especially when I look at the pictures of what I looked like in week 1!!! YUCK!!!! Ive also been reading up a little and I know that for your six pack to really show, you need to get your body fat percentage somewhere between 10% and 4-5%, depending on your body type. So I know I have a ways to go yet, but I WILL GET THERE!!!
Well on to week 7's routine...the first Spartan home workout. Honestly, I watched the video a couple times and started to think that it wasn't going to be that hard. Boy was I WRONG!! I was surprised at how difficult it was to do some of the things in the routine 30 times. I allowed myself 30 minutes to do the routine, which gave me 3 minutes per exercise, and at 30 reps thats only 10 reps per minute average....piece of cake, right?! NO. The staggering pushups were hard sort of, I had to break them into 2 sets of 15, and my explosive pushups weren't very explosive. I maybe got my hands an inch or so off the ground with each push. Some things I had no problem with pumping all 30 reps out real quick, but some I did. Then I got to the pullups, and I was dead, so I wont lie, I did do all 30, but I had to use the elastic bands to help. I was SO tired by the time I got to the pullups I just didn't have anything left in me.
I think I will break the routine up next time into 2 sets of 15 reps each, so I dont get burned out too quick. Use my experience as a tip if your not at week 7 yet. Hope everyone else is still rockin, keep it up guys...and girls (Pie!).


Pie said...

Wow, great work so far! It's definitely showing! You look like you've lost quite a bit of weight and I can see some definition in your obliques and upper abs now!
It's amazing that a lot of you guys have lasted so long.

MannyRSX said...

My man Doug!! Im telling you bro, your looking GREAT already! Like i told you before, dont worry about the "lovehandlers?" You are a GODDAMN SPARTAN!! they will surrender eventually so just keep pushing yourself harder like youve been doing!
Progress from you, batman, jjeagle and a few more guys are just "motivation source" for me so dont let me down man!

Sam said...

Great job bro!! Keep up the great work, impressive that you've alreadyl ost like 3inches! i mean dam man!! Keep it up you're doing AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

fantastic just have to keep doing what you're doing now and youl have a 6 pack.its hard to believe but its just a matter of time
keep it up

jjeagle said...

Awesome results man!! that is truly amazing. Your week 16 result will be.....AOWWWWW AOWWWW AOWWWW.