Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, day 2 of week 8

I'll keep this short and sweet. I did my HIIT today and heres what I did:

2min at 3mph, then
2min at 7mph, then
1min at 10mph, then
2min at 7mph, then
1min at 10mph, then
3min at7mph, then
1min at 9mph, then
2min at 6mph, then
1min at 9mph, then
2min at 6mph, then
2min at 3mph, then
1min at 2mph.

It was a god day, I ended up running about 2.125 miles, in 20 minutes, and burned 340 calories and 55 carbs. I work all day tomorrow so I will have to do my workout after I get home at night, which I hate doing. I will try to add another HIIT too since it will already be late and I will not have to worry about finishing in a certain amount of time. Wish me luck!

Oh, the knee feels great today too, I picked up some gluocosamine tablets and started taking them today, so hopefully that will help me out.


MannyRSX said...

Hey man! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Even if i dont comment all the time i do read your blog frequently and im really glad your knee is better and that FINALLY you admit that the love handlers are almost gone!

Just keep that motivation up! Im 120% sure that you will get there in no time!

MarioPlatt said...

Hey man,

Well, I'm taking pics today and posting them on my blog. But i gained some fat (around 500g in the last month). Accompanied with 1.5kg of lean muscle. I was doing a muscle balance phase before really starting to cut the fat. I started this Monday, and so my pics will start to appear :) Thanks for the support.