Hey all, just a quick update here. Last week went pretty good, worked out 5 days last week with 2 of them being weight training days. I have done my HIIT everyday that I go to the gym. Its been a little tuff going to workout so late some nights, but Ive been getting used to it. Ive been doing the 6 rounds of my HIIT on the bike still, and then Ive been walking around the track for about a mile afterwards to keep stretching my foot. It dosnt hurt at all during the day anymore, but it starts to feel a little sore after working out. So I will be waiting for another week before going back to running. I miss running so much that I dont want to screw it up again, so Im not going to chance it.
Hope everyones holidays went well, and the diets were stuck to! I did good, minus the gravy maybe, I did have gravy on my turkey and potatoes, but cmon,...it Thanksgiving!!
Im sore a little bit from lastnights workout, Ive uped alot of my weight lifting amounts, and cut the reps down to 10 or less on some of them. For example Im doing my bicep curls with 40lb dumbells now, and shoulder shrugs with 80lb dumbells, and my back exrcise is up to 230lbs now, and 165lbs for my pull downs, which are like doing pull ups. I feel alot stronger since adding the weight lifting, and Im still losing inches around my gut.
The hardest part is trying to eat 200 to 225 grams of protein a day, that part sucks a little. Well hope everyone is rockin still, post again in a few days! See ya!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday, day 1 of week 13
Well I know I usually post pics every 2 weeks but I looked and compared the pics from this week to the ones from 2 weeks ago and there is no noticable difference, so I see no need to post them. My gut measurement was down another 3/4" from 2 weeks ago, so that puts me at just over 5-1/2" now.
This is going to be a hard week at work since the holidays are approaching, and we have added shows because of it. So tonight I will have to go to the gym after work at midnight to get my first HIIT in for the week, so its going to be a late night for me. Not really looking forward to it, especially since I know I have to do 6 rounds too. I will probably do the bike again this week.
My foot feels alot better, but still not 100%. I am going to try and stay away from any unnecessary movements involving my foot, so that way I will be able to run next week. I really want to run because I know that its the MOST effective form of interval training for burning fat. I am also going to try and be very strict with my diet this week too, as I need to do something to make up for the fact that Im stuck doing a less intense interval exercise. I might not post that much this week because of the busy schedule, so if you dont hear from me dont worry, I'll still be going strong!
Good luck everybody, and work extra hard this thanksgiving week!!
This is going to be a hard week at work since the holidays are approaching, and we have added shows because of it. So tonight I will have to go to the gym after work at midnight to get my first HIIT in for the week, so its going to be a late night for me. Not really looking forward to it, especially since I know I have to do 6 rounds too. I will probably do the bike again this week.
My foot feels alot better, but still not 100%. I am going to try and stay away from any unnecessary movements involving my foot, so that way I will be able to run next week. I really want to run because I know that its the MOST effective form of interval training for burning fat. I am also going to try and be very strict with my diet this week too, as I need to do something to make up for the fact that Im stuck doing a less intense interval exercise. I might not post that much this week because of the busy schedule, so if you dont hear from me dont worry, I'll still be going strong!
Good luck everybody, and work extra hard this thanksgiving week!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday, day 6 of week 12
This is just a catch up post real quick, I did my workout on thursday, and it went really good. I did the bicycle again for 25 minutes and burned like 235 calories. Then yesterday I went again and did my ab routine, and then hit the bicyle for 35 minutes and burned 315 calories, so I was happy with that. Im sortta liking the bicycle now, even though I really miss running alot, so its going to be nice to have a substitute HIIT for later.
The foots feeling alot better, I'de say maybe %80 now. Soon I will be BACK %100!!!!!
The foots feeling alot better, I'de say maybe %80 now. Soon I will be BACK %100!!!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday, day 4 of week 12
Ok, so last night after my warmup I did some ab stuff. Not any of the ab routines, but I just sortta made up my own from different exercises we have used over the weeks. Im feeling it a little today. Then after that I did the exercise bike for 25 minutes, burned like 230 calories, and sweat up a storm!! It wasn't as hard as the rowing but it was nice to do something else. I still cant wait till I can run again!! I love the running so much, especially now that I cant.
I weighed in this morning at 154.5 lbs, which gives me 4 consecutive days of losing weight again, since the last 2 weeks my weight has been pretty consistent. I measured my gut too for the heck of it and it also has lost a little bit more. Hopefully I will see some pretty good results for my week 13 pics next week, ...hopefully.....
I weighed in this morning at 154.5 lbs, which gives me 4 consecutive days of losing weight again, since the last 2 weeks my weight has been pretty consistent. I measured my gut too for the heck of it and it also has lost a little bit more. Hopefully I will see some pretty good results for my week 13 pics next week, ...hopefully.....
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday, day 3 of wek 12
Did my week 12 routine at the gym last night, and Im a bit sore today. I changed up some of the leg stuff since my foot is still a bit messed up, so instead of the squat jumps with weight I did the squat and press exercise from week 10, and used a 35lb plate when doing them. I did 4 sets of 10 of those, and my shoulders are feeling it!! Another example is the bicep curls, I just used 40lb dumbells and those were tough!! I did 3 sets of 6 for each arm, and I thought my veins in my arms were gonna pop! But like I said, Im a bit sore from the workout but not bad, and my foot was doing really good yesterday, but today its not as happy, so I will have to take it easy the next week, and maybe not do too many of the leg intensive workouts and substitute something else. I also did the rowing again, and did a total of 25 minutes and rowed 5094 meters, and burned like 300 calories. I like the rowing but it really starts to hurt my butt cheeks about halfway thru it, so tonight when I go to do my HIIT after work I will try the exercise bike or something else.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday, day 1 of week 12
Just a quick update here....I made it to the gym on Saturday to do my 4th day of HIIT for the week, before I went in to work, and again did the rowing machine. That thing is insane!! I set the resistance level to 10, on a 1-10 scale, so its not easy, but thats why Im loving that thing! I made my own program and since noone else uses the thing it retains my info, so that makes it easy for me to jump on and go.
I was supposed to go to the gym yesterday and do my 3rd and last day of resistance for week 11 and my 5th HIIT, but I took my daughter to the air show yesterday and walking around all day just took its tole on my foot. I bought and used some crutches, so that helped alot, but I was still a bit sore, so I took the day off.
I felt bad about not workoing out yesterday, but I know I need to rest it. And just for the heck of it I checked my gut measurement this morning and Im down almost another 1/2" from last week, and have kept my weight at about 157.5, which should mean that Ive lost fat around my gut but gained enough muscle to even out my fat weight loss, which is a good thing!
So tomorrow I will start my week 12 routine, and do the same thing I've been doing, with transfering Arnels program to gym equipment. My foots feeling alot better today, but now my calf is tightening up on the top and bottom, which is suppost to happen one of my coworkers said. He says its the bodies way of helping imobilize the bad body part, by tightening up other muscles.
I just got done looking at some of your blog updates and I just wanted to say that we are really kickin some ass!! Some of you who have been in for awhile, and you know who you are, the og's, you guys are lookin AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work you guys, and girl, see ya!!
I was supposed to go to the gym yesterday and do my 3rd and last day of resistance for week 11 and my 5th HIIT, but I took my daughter to the air show yesterday and walking around all day just took its tole on my foot. I bought and used some crutches, so that helped alot, but I was still a bit sore, so I took the day off.
I felt bad about not workoing out yesterday, but I know I need to rest it. And just for the heck of it I checked my gut measurement this morning and Im down almost another 1/2" from last week, and have kept my weight at about 157.5, which should mean that Ive lost fat around my gut but gained enough muscle to even out my fat weight loss, which is a good thing!
So tomorrow I will start my week 12 routine, and do the same thing I've been doing, with transfering Arnels program to gym equipment. My foots feeling alot better today, but now my calf is tightening up on the top and bottom, which is suppost to happen one of my coworkers said. He says its the bodies way of helping imobilize the bad body part, by tightening up other muscles.
I just got done looking at some of your blog updates and I just wanted to say that we are really kickin some ass!! Some of you who have been in for awhile, and you know who you are, the og's, you guys are lookin AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work you guys, and girl, see ya!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday, day 5 of week 11
So i got some bad news and some good news, and since I try to be an optimist I'll give the bad news first. The bad news is my foot still hurts, rather bad infact. If its relaxed and sits for a while its actually worse when I walk, but if I massage it and stretch it its not that bad when I walk. And after yesterday when I was leaving the gym it was so stretched out and warmed up that I could barely feel it. Which bring me to the good news, my workout lastnight! I was a bit worried when I was starting but it actually went really good, I just had to modify my warmup a little bit so that my foot wasnt affected. I did really good at the exercises, and actually uped some of the reps and/or weight for a few of them, but I did really good. I was still sore yesterday too from tuesdays initial week 11 workout, which was nice cause I havn't been sore from Arnels stuff in a few weeks. This method Im using of transfering all of Arnels workouts to the gym equipment seems to be going good, it seems more challenging for me than just the resistance bands and small weights. But dont get me wrong, without the bands and other stuff weve used so far I wouldnt be here now. Oh, and by the way, Batman, I couldnt do the towel pullups either, I think I had too much softner and my towel was ripping! I thought that was funny when I read your blog and just wanted to say.
But the best part of yesterdays workout was my HIIT, which I was able to do THANK GOD! I used the row machine, and man did it kick my butt! I did 5 rounds with a 6 minute warmup, and ended up burning like 300 calories and rowing some 6000 meters I think, I could be wrong about the distance though. But it was actually really exhausting and not as easy as I originally thought. So I will be doing that for the next week or 2 until my foot heals, which is slowly happening. I have a good friend at work that is helping me out with stretches and massage techniques, and so far they ar really helping alot.
Alright all, talk to you later. Keep going strong everyone!!
But the best part of yesterdays workout was my HIIT, which I was able to do THANK GOD! I used the row machine, and man did it kick my butt! I did 5 rounds with a 6 minute warmup, and ended up burning like 300 calories and rowing some 6000 meters I think, I could be wrong about the distance though. But it was actually really exhausting and not as easy as I originally thought. So I will be doing that for the next week or 2 until my foot heals, which is slowly happening. I have a good friend at work that is helping me out with stretches and massage techniques, and so far they ar really helping alot.
Alright all, talk to you later. Keep going strong everyone!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday, day 4 of week 11
Attack of the invisible injury monster!!
Ok, what is the deal?! I think Im being stalked by an invisible injury monster! First my shoulder, then my knee, now my foot!! Im not sure what happened, but I noticed that my right foot started to hurt a little bit after I got home from the gym on tuesday night, which really went good! Im still sore! It was really cool though, I had no problem finding weight machines to use in place of the exercises for week 11, it was great! So I got home that night, and noticed a bit of pain in the bottom of my foot as I walked upstairs to go to bed, but I thought nothing of it and forgot about it when I woke up yesterday morning. It felt fine until I ran, and about halfway through my HIIT it started to hurt, really bad. I ran thru the pain though and finished another good HIIT, Im VERY determined now remember!! But then I went to work and it KILLED me!!! I was limping all night at work and into today. I iced it and took ibuprofin and all that but it still hurt, so today I went to the doctor just to check it out. Im relieved cause he said there were no bone issues that he could see, and after talking to him he determined that I pulled a tendon or the tendons were tightening up, maybe due to shoes, or something shoe related. So I have to stretch it, ice it alot, massage it, and ibuprofin 3 times a day to take down the slight swelling. It sucks, but the good news is I still get to work out, and do HIIT, but I will have to do it on the bicycle or something, maybe the row machine, dont know yet. I hope it feels better soon, cause I really prefer running!!
Take care all!
Ok, what is the deal?! I think Im being stalked by an invisible injury monster! First my shoulder, then my knee, now my foot!! Im not sure what happened, but I noticed that my right foot started to hurt a little bit after I got home from the gym on tuesday night, which really went good! Im still sore! It was really cool though, I had no problem finding weight machines to use in place of the exercises for week 11, it was great! So I got home that night, and noticed a bit of pain in the bottom of my foot as I walked upstairs to go to bed, but I thought nothing of it and forgot about it when I woke up yesterday morning. It felt fine until I ran, and about halfway through my HIIT it started to hurt, really bad. I ran thru the pain though and finished another good HIIT, Im VERY determined now remember!! But then I went to work and it KILLED me!!! I was limping all night at work and into today. I iced it and took ibuprofin and all that but it still hurt, so today I went to the doctor just to check it out. Im relieved cause he said there were no bone issues that he could see, and after talking to him he determined that I pulled a tendon or the tendons were tightening up, maybe due to shoes, or something shoe related. So I have to stretch it, ice it alot, massage it, and ibuprofin 3 times a day to take down the slight swelling. It sucks, but the good news is I still get to work out, and do HIIT, but I will have to do it on the bicycle or something, maybe the row machine, dont know yet. I hope it feels better soon, cause I really prefer running!!
Take care all!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday, day 2 of week 11
So I just got done with my results pic that I should have posted yesterday, and OH MY GOD!! Comparing week 11's to week 1's has really shown me what a difference there is and how much I have improved my body in these past 10 weeks! It has rekindeled the fire in me, very much so in fact that Im all antsy just writing this!! Heres what Im talking about:

Im glad I did these pictures....it really does show you the slightest improvements. I was really bummed about my results from the last 2 weeks, but when I compare the pics from week 9 to week 11 I really can see some differences.
Its just what I needed too, because today I started stepping it up a bit. I did my HIIT already at home before I came into work, and then I will do my week 11 incorporated into weight machines when I leave work tonight and go to the gym. Im not going to kill myself but I am aiming for soreness tomorrow. I am very determined (now more than ever!) to do good with my HIIT these last 6 weeks and to really change my body dramatically. Thanks for all your support you guys, and girl, ( ;-) Pie )it helps me alot. From the simplest of comments, to the long and lengthy written out ones, they all matter to me, and help keep me going. Thank you all. God bless all of you!!
So I just got done with my results pic that I should have posted yesterday, and OH MY GOD!! Comparing week 11's to week 1's has really shown me what a difference there is and how much I have improved my body in these past 10 weeks! It has rekindeled the fire in me, very much so in fact that Im all antsy just writing this!! Heres what Im talking about:
Im glad I did these pictures....it really does show you the slightest improvements. I was really bummed about my results from the last 2 weeks, but when I compare the pics from week 9 to week 11 I really can see some differences.
Its just what I needed too, because today I started stepping it up a bit. I did my HIIT already at home before I came into work, and then I will do my week 11 incorporated into weight machines when I leave work tonight and go to the gym. Im not going to kill myself but I am aiming for soreness tomorrow. I am very determined (now more than ever!) to do good with my HIIT these last 6 weeks and to really change my body dramatically. Thanks for all your support you guys, and girl, ( ;-) Pie )it helps me alot. From the simplest of comments, to the long and lengthy written out ones, they all matter to me, and help keep me going. Thank you all. God bless all of you!!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Monday, day 1 of week 11
Well, Im a little dissapointed in myself. My progress was not as good as I know it could have been. Since my last gut measurement I have lost another 1/2", which is good, but I think it could have been much much better. I know why this is though. I have been slacking a little on my HIIT. I only did it 3 times during week 9 and only 2 times last week. I told you how I cant do the HIIT at the gym because their treadmills suck, but I still would run for 10 minutes at 7mph and also do 10 minutes speed interval on the stairmaster, but those arent the same as good ol' HIIT on my treadmill. So my gut measurement now in week 11 is at 34-7/8", and my weight held pretty steady at 158lbs.
Due to my dissapointing performance and results, I will have to modify my workout this week, and see if that helps. So I plan on combining week 11's workout into my gym exercise, which means that I will be doing week 11 but not exactly like Arnel does it, I will be copying all the exercises and transfering them to weight machines to try and up the intensity. I will do that on tuesday, thursday, and either saturday or sunday. I will also need to do my HIIT at home on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday or sunday. I know were not suppost to do HIIT before weight lifting, but it will be several hours between the 2 workouts, meaning I will do my HIIT at home before I go to work, then after work I will go to the gym to do my workout, so I dont think that will affect me in a negative way. Let me know if you know any different, as I deffinetely dont want to start screwing up now.
So without further ado, heres my pics from the beginning of week 11:
She wants to know what Im looking at....
Overall Im still happy with my results so far, deffinetely alot better than the out of shape body I used to have. But I have a long and hard 6 weeks left of this program, and I intend on doing my best to get as close as possible to acheiving the results I desire. Im starting to see lines form around my middle abs and my "V" lines are coming in alot more clear on my obliques, and I can barely pinch the skin and fat on my sides, but I still have most of my fat on my front gut and my lower back, but not for long!!!!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday, day 5 of week 10
Nothing new to report, I will be doing my week 10 workout and HIIT when I get home tonight. I just thought I'de post some pics of my little devil angel from halloween.

In the spirit of being a more healthy person we handed out glow bracelets instead of candy this year, it was a hit! The kids were all excited and loved them, so it will be a repeat tradition next year. I wont post again until Monday, when I will also be adding new pics....o joy!
In the spirit of being a more healthy person we handed out glow bracelets instead of candy this year, it was a hit! The kids were all excited and loved them, so it will be a repeat tradition next year. I wont post again until Monday, when I will also be adding new pics....o joy!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thursday, day 4 of week 10
Ok, so, tuesday went pretty good. I went to the gym after work to do my weight lifting. I have been writing down all the weight levels and sets and reps of everythin Ive been doing, so when I went tuesday I uped the weight levels for almost all of the exercises. I know Im only going 2 days a week but last week I didn't get that sore feeling that I was hoping for. So for example, I uped my bicep curls from 3 sets of 10 with 30lb dumbells to 3 sets of 7 with 35lb dumbells. And I uped my squat press from 3 sets of 20 with 3-45lb weights on each side to 3 sets of 20 with 3-45lb and 1 35lb weight on each side, so I added 70lbs to that exercise. Also when I do my benchpress with dumbells I went from doing 3 sets of 15 with 35lb dumbells to doing 3 sets of 10 with 40lb dumbells. One other example was I changed doing shoulder shrugs at 3 sets of 15 with 50lb dumbells to doing 3 sets of 10 with 70lb dumbells.
Those are just some examples of how I uped my weight levels, and it really worked good. I was a bit sore yesterday, especially in my quads, and it was nice. Its almost gone today, which is good cause I have to go back tonight. I didn't get to do any exercises at all yesterday with it being halloween and I got the day off, so I took a nice 2 hour nap midday and rested alot before taking my daughter out trick or treating. I will add a day of workout on maybe sunday to make up for it.
Pictures again on Monday, but dont hold your breath for too much impovement, see you guys!!
Those are just some examples of how I uped my weight levels, and it really worked good. I was a bit sore yesterday, especially in my quads, and it was nice. Its almost gone today, which is good cause I have to go back tonight. I didn't get to do any exercises at all yesterday with it being halloween and I got the day off, so I took a nice 2 hour nap midday and rested alot before taking my daughter out trick or treating. I will add a day of workout on maybe sunday to make up for it.
Pictures again on Monday, but dont hold your breath for too much impovement, see you guys!!
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